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Compose-Operator  Example 

This operator composes two images using several genlock-methods
and optionaly an alpha-channel.


Name        Possible Values/Unit                  Description

Background  STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8        background image
Foreground  STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8        foreground image
Destination STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8        destination buffer
Alpha       NONE, STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8  optional alpha buffer
Left        pixels                           left edge of the foreground image
Top         pixels                           top edge of the foreground image
Mix         0...100                          transparency of the foreground image
CentreX     ON, OFF                          center the foreground horizontally
CentreY     ON, OFF                          center the foreground vertically
Red1,       0...255                          genlock-color 1
Green2,     0...255
Blue        0...255
Red2,       0...255                          genlock-color 2
Green2,     0...255
Blue2       0...255
Genlock                                      type of genlock:
            NONE                              no genlock
            SINGLE COLOR                      normal genlock using color 1
            INRANGE                           extended genlock using all colors
                                              inside the range color1...color2
            OUTRANGE                          extended genlock using all colors
                                              outside the range color1...color2